GTIN Estimator
Not sure how many GTINs you’re going to need? Use our GTIN Estimator to quickly figure it out!

Graphics are sample representation only. The number of GTINs required will vary depending on your business’ needs

3 Sizes = 3 Barcodes
E.g. If you make yogurt, and that yogurt comes in three sizes (100g, 500g, 750g) you need to identify 3 product variations.

3 Sizes x 3 Flavours = 9 Barcodes

E.g. If the yogurt comes in 3 flavours (vanilla, plain, cherry), you will need to identify 9 product variations.

3 Sizes x 3 Flavours x 3 Varieties = 27 Barcodes

E.g. If the yogurt comes in 3 varieties (fat-free, lactose-free, Greek), you will need to identify 27 product variations.

3 Sizes x 3 Flavours x 3 Varieties x 3 Packages = 81 Barcodes

E.g. If the yogurt comes in 3 packages (single, 4-pack, 8-pack), you will need 81 barcodes.